jueves, 31 de mayo de 2018


Topic 3: Adaptive Education

During our theoretical lessons in class, we also dealt with “Adaptive Education”, which was the title for our topic 3. The main idea this type of education promotes is to provide all our students with an equal education, without taking into account their learning, background or personal differences. 

Therefore, we studied in class that adaptive education deals with three different groups of students: all students, who can receive general measures regarding their education; students with specific needs that need learning support, who have normally joined their school centres late or who do not know the language spoken there and, therefore, they need compensatory programs or they receive the help of the student counselling or the psycho-pedagogic team; and finally, students with special needs, who have learning difficulties or other type of problems. 

We also learnt in class that gifted students are also part of these students with learning difficulties. We had the opportunity to attend a talk about gifted students, how they organised their everyday life and how their life was at school. We also realised about the importance of detecting gifted students to help them, provide them with a suitable type of education and motivate them. 

Afterwards, we dealt in class with different compensatory programs that can be used in schools and the different characteristics they had. The first ones we studied are used with students with specific needs that need learning support. Some compensatory programs we saw were PAES, PASE, PMAR, PDC, PR4, PAC and PCPI. We also take a look at the different measures that are used with students with special needs, such as curriculum access adaptations, curriculum adaptations for the gifted, “Aula CIL” or ACI and ACIS adaptations. We also carried out an individual project, in which we had to create a lesson plan for a student with special needs.

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